During October 24-27, 2024, the pre-marketclinical data for the YonFlow® flow diverter wasofficially released at the Oriental Conference onCerebrovascular Diseases 2024 (OCIN 2024).This prospective, multicenter, randomized,positive-controlled study includes 14 researchcenters in China, covering the treatment of largeand small aneurysms. The primary endpoint of thestudy is the complete occlusion rate of aneurysmsat 6 months, and the secondary endpoints includethe occlusion rate at 12 months and other safetyindicators.The study results show that the complete occlusionrate at 6 months for patients with small aneurysmsreached 82.35%, and the occlusion rate furtherincreased to 87.50% at 12 months. In thetreatment of large aneurysms, the completeocclusion rates at 6 months for the experimentalgroup and the control group were 74.55% and69.61%, respectively, and the occlusion rates at 12months were 84.11% and 79.38%, respectively. Interms of safety, both groups had similar incidencerates of stroke related to the affected vessels andtarget vessel bleeding, with no significantdifferences.